Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Week 102 - Last week in Bolivia

This last week was awesome, we worked hard, had some success, but nobody is gonna get baptized this week. We had like 7 new investigators, with a baptismal date, and only 2 came to church this week which stinks, but they just need to follow through with commitments and then they're going to be baptized. It still doesn't feel real that my mission is over, I kinda don't believe it, but at the same time, I know that I've done my best and I'm grateful to have had the opportunities I had to have loved people, companions and other missionaries like Christ would've done it. I love Him, and I am grateful for Him. I hope I made Him proud with this little tithe of my life.

This week we have some appointments, and on Friday morning I should be going to Cochabamba for my last interview with Pres., then on Saturday morning we'll go to the temple, in the afternoon we'll have a self sufficiency capacatation, Sunday is a free day to visit people, and then Monday we have a Family Home Afternoon in Pres.'s house, last dinner there, then we'll go to the airport and head to Santa Cruz! Tuesday morning, I fly out of Santa Cruz and Wednesday morning I'm home!

I love you all, thank you for the love and support you've given me throughout my mission!  See you all soon.


Elder Howells

Brad will land in SLC Wednesday morning the 27th. 

We will be having a homecoming party on Friday the 29th from 6:30 - 8:30 at our home (2421 Brook Lane in Sandy). 

Brad will give his talk in Sacrament Meeting on October 15th at 9:00 AM at our chapel on 11570 S. Wasatch BLVD.


  1. نجار بالمدينة المنورة
    نجار بالمدينة المنورة لكل من يبحث عن تأسيس منتجات متنوعة من الأثاث الخشبي بشتى أنواعه المختلفة، كما أنه يمتلك آلات ومعدات عالية الجودة خاصة في صناعة وإصلاح التالف بها.
    كما أنه يوفر للعملاء قسم خاص بصناعة النوافذ والأبواب محكمة الغلق وتتمتع بخصوصية كبيرة وبها مواد عازلة للصوت، ولديه فريق عمل للمساعدة في نقل الأثاث وفك وتركيبه وتغليفه بطرق جيدة.
